Some things to coming soon to the house: bars! and lots of them, training with my roommates, and motivation all the time, all around me. I don't really know how to describe how good it shall be for me to live with such motivated and active people, especially having just come from a home that I love, but offered only too much inactivity and the piling of beer cans; (boys, I love you, I do not love Magic Cards.) I once lived with only other jugglers, and we juggled every day for a few hours, together, or separate, had weekly "Juggle Jams" at home, and there was no shortage of good times. This new house will be like that for parkour, (not to mention they shall all juggle too [some already do] mwahahaha!) And we have cement stairs out front and a little wall out back and yard and a shed and soon a dog and board meetings and weekly group training days and fencing and boxing and down time and visitors and soooo much food is going to go through there--*inhale*--I'm stoked.
Other happy news, the PNWPA classes are in full swing, with Rafe putting in mad hours at the gym. I especially have fun with the kids' class; there's nothing like hearing, "This is so awesome!" repeated for an hour every Friday to keep one's spirits high. It's great to see how they improve every week, and to be subject to their unending excitement. I can't wait until we have toddler classes! Cute little humonkeys for the win.
In training:
Thursday was add-on conditioning time, crazy super-man push-ups, and the always reminder of needing to build core strength.
Friday had kids, obstacle course, and lots of, "Hey Mom! Watch me!"
Saturday was more add-0n conditioning, first and second class, a full gym for the second class, and--guess what?--reminder of needing to do hanging leg raises (for core strength.)
photo by Cody Allison

Sunday was grey and wet--big surprise. Freeway park ate my hand skin--even bigger surprise. (Riiight.)
Tyson had us doing cat hang drills for warm up; we ended up spending the whole training session (and hour or so, I think...) on those two walls. Drill one: ten times (the ones you counted as good) standing cat jump, up, lower down other side to cat before dismount. Drill two: Five times standing cat jump, up, lower into hang other side, back up, and lower down to original side -or- once up, lower down as slowly as possible. Drill three: Five times jump to cat, up to right forearm, down to hang, up to left forearm, down to hang, then both and up--or maybe down...
I was on an alternate course, as my scrambling up the wall wasn't working without some rail-assist, and by the time I got to the third drill, my forearms were failing. It's weird; sometimes I don't feel that pain of muscles being done working, they'll just stop working, kind of numb, and certainly useless. I don't consider having even one repetition for the last drill, maybe a half, but it was a good day--I appreciate how basic it was, just two walls, just cat-work, but I found it all so difficult. After the first thirty minutes it was hard to want to subject my hands to the park again, (we found minor relief in dipping raw palms into cold puddles on the ground.) And I think, at the end, my hands were a big reason why everything just stopped working. No confidence in grip, and of course, pain. I work to push through pain in so much of my training, and am always improving, but at some point the hands wont do, they'll just bleed for a while, then weep later on. But secretly I like it. Not for the first day, or even the first two, but definitely after the stinging-when-I-touch-anything stops, it feels good. Like I've done something. I can't imagine using gloves, or training inside all the time. I know some prefer the indoors, and they're good for introductions, but I can't call it parkour unless enough time training happens outside; it's just not real, otherwise. Freeway park is a very real place, and I was very really sore the next day, and am now really done.
I wish you all safety, respect, and community--
Be well.
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